Thursday, 7 February 2013

Hip flexor injury or just sore?

was warming up for track practice, and while doing an excel I felt a sudden sharp pain on the side of my hip. It was not too painful afterwards so I continued with my workout with only mild-discomfort (actually felt more stretched near the end). After the workout/today there is a bruise on my upper thigh just under the hip (not on the side, but on the front). Its tender to touch. But when I perform the test to see if its a strain, I can pull my knee to my chest with very little to none discomfort at all. I foam rolled, iced, and self massage (could that explain the bruise)

So I have two questions: One does it sound like a strained hip-flexor?
and Two: I did the injury Wednesday and have an important race on Saturday, although its hard to tell from this, you think I'll be good to go?


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